Grammatically, the word AFFIX means the additional letter or letters that could be added to another word in other to change the literal meaning of such words.The word “Affix”is subdivided into three types namely:
1.Prefix 2.Infix. 3.Suffix.
The Prefix is an additional letter or a group of letters that I could be ADDED to the BEGINNING of another word in order to CHANGE the LITERAL MEANING of such word. Meanwhile “Pre” means before.
Examples of prefix are: 1. Aero: Aero means air.So this is applicable in aeroplane, aeronautic, aerofoil, aerobatics, aerodrome, etc.
Example 2. Ante i.e before as in antenatal,anterior, antechamber, antecedent, antedate, anteroom, antepenultimate,etc.
Example 3. Cata i.e down as in catastrophic, cataclysm, catapult, catacombs, catatonic etc.
Example 4. Anti i.e against as in anticlockwise, antichrist, anti-government, antimatter, antisocial etc. There are several examples of prefix such as com i.e together, bio i.e life, cent i.e hundred, circum i.e around, cre i.e grow demi i.e half or partly, extra i.e beyond,fore i.e before, etc. Our OXFORD ADVANCED LEARNERS DICTIONARY is a good teaching aid so let us look for more words.
INFIX Many English Language speakers are not aware of the word “INFIX” despite its usage amoung other words.The word INFIX is a letter or a group of letters that could be added to the MIDDLE of another word in order to change the literal meaning of such word.Example of INFIX is “FU” as in ProFUse which was formally PROSE. Other examples are slate -timu-@STIMULATE,comment-pli-@COMPLIMENT,set-ext @SEXTET,. pay-rt@PARTY,joy-cke@JOCKEY,. sew-in@SINEW, etc.Having seen this, let us bring more examples from our day to day activities.
SUFFIX. The word SUFFIX are additional letters that could be added to the END of a word in order to change the literal meaning of such word. Examples of SUFFIX are FOLD i.e multiple as in tenfold, manifold, doublefold,etc.
2. CRACY i.e government as in democracy, bureaucracy, autocracy, plutocracy etc.
3. DOM i.e state or quality or dominion as in kingdom, dukedom,etc.
4. MANIA i.e EXCESSIVE as in kleptomania,megalomania, dipsomania, etc. 5. LOGY i.e The Study of… in Biology, Anthropology, Zoology, Geology etc.