
          Facing a part of a garment is the process of covering the raw edge or finishing with the piece of fabric or cloth. It shows on only one side of the garment.

          When facing are turned to the wrong side, they are not seen (in conspicuous) from the right side. This is called inside facing. When they are finished on the right sides of the garment, they are called conspicuous or decorative facing.

Uses of facing

  1. For neatening a garment by covering the raw edges.
  2. To reinforce the garment edge and retain its shape.
  3. To decorate a garment, when it is applied on the right side.

Types of facing

  1. Straight facing: This is used on straight hems or front of bottom on through skirts.
  2. Shaped facing: Commonly used for the arm holes of the sleeve garment and neckline of collarless garment. They are separated pattern pieces normally attached after the garment made up and the opening completed.

Guidelines for attaching facing

  1. Facing should be cut to the same shape as the edge of the garment to be faced.
  2. If facing is to show on the right side, put wrong side of facing to the right side of the garment.
  3. The width of the facing should always be enough to give a neat flat finish.
  4. If facing is to be appeared on the wrong side, placed the right side against the wrong side of the garment.
  5. The facing edge and garment should be placed exactly together with right side together.


A hem is usually made by folding the edge of a garment to the wrong side twice and sewing it up. Hems are made on the lower of blouses, skirt, gown and trousers etc.

Uses of hems

  1. It is used to finish the edge of a garment.
  2. Helps the garment to hang well.
  3. Improves the style and the appearance of the garment.
  4. Can be used to decorate a garment.

Guidelines of making a hem

  1. Make the hem to look straight and smooth.
  2. Do not make the hem bulky.
  3. Match the seam lines when pinning hem into place.
  4. Take up only one thread from the fabric with the needle.
  5. Make hemming stitches as visible as possible.
  6. Insert pins vertically into hem to ensure that all fullness is evenly distributed.

TO DO AT HOME: Write out ten simple sewing tools and equipment