Drug Trafficking.
Drug trafficking is dealing in illicit drugs, such as Indian hemp, cocaine, heroine e.t.c.
Poverty: This is the inability to provide for ones basic needs or food, clothing, education and shelter.
Greed or Excessive love of money by the youth.
Unemployment:Tthe youth who are jobless after graduating from schools are easily lured into drug trafficking.
Ignorance: Some of those who are caught in drug trafficking do not know the content. They are inly being obedient in delivering the message.
Ostentation: People want to show that they have wealth without actually working for it.
Drug traffickers present their country in bad image.
Drug traffickers when caught may be imprisoned
In some countries like Saudi Arabia and Singapore, drug traffickers may be killed if caught because drug trafficking carries death penalty there.
It brings shame to drug traffickers if caught.
Prevention of drug trafficking.
There should be proper education and creation of awareness for the people on dangers of drug trafficking.
Government should come up with good programmes that will alleviate poverty for the country.
Legislation: There should be law that will give stiff punishment to drug traffickers without option of fine.
There should be international cooperation to prevent and expose traffickers from escaping arrest persecution.
Agencies such as National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) and National Agency For Food Drug and Administration Control should be given more power to control and prevent drug abuse and drug trafficking.