Fundamental human movement or rhythmic movements involve the use of the body in making different patterns of movement in different directions and shapes while moving or staying at a place. Mastery of the various patterns of movement is important for efficiency in basic and complex movements in physical education.
Fundamental human movements therefore is the position in which the body will be at one time or the other. They are classified into two (2) types which are:
Locomotor Movement:
This are movements made while the performer is moving and not from a stationery position. These movements include walking, running, skipping, jumping, leaping, sliding, galloping, stepping, hopping, marching and dodging.
In this movement, the body is carried forward, backward, sideways, in a circle or on a square through space. For good walking posture you must always keep your hand and back erect, with eyes looking forward and not downwards. Toes must point forward and not sideways when walking forward.
In this movement, the rhythmical movement of the arm and feet is the same as that of walking. The left foot moves with the right hand while the right foot moves with the left hand.
When you combine a step with a hop in an uneven rhythm, you are skipping.
Jumping involves a take off on one foot or on both feet. It could be upward e.g . a vertical jump or upward -forward e.g. long jump.
Hopping involves movement upward, taking off on one foot, and landing on the same foot.
Leaping involves running with increased knee height.
Non-locomotor Movements are basic movement patterns made from a stationary position e.g. lifting, pushing, twisting, bending, stretching, reaching and shaking. These movements may be made from standing, lying, or sitting position.
A good standing position involves holding the body upright with the chin in, chest out, and toes pointing forward.
Lying position
The body should be kept straight while lying on the back, and there should be complete relaxation.
Long sitting position
In this sitting position, the legs are kept straight on the floor while the trunk is kept upright.
Pushing involves the use of the hands or body to move an object forward against a resistance. This is usually done from a forward walking position.
Bending involves the movement of the trunk or other parts of the body from a straight angle through a plane to form smaller angles at the joint.
Perform 10 non locomotive activities in that your present position