VOTING is the process of electing representatives of the people into the government of a state. In Nigeria, people are elected into the legislature and some executive position like President and Governors.
Voting helps to change government peacefully from one regime to another.
Voting will enable the electorates to vote for the candidate of their choice.
Voting can also be used to remove a bad government and install a good government.
Voting helps people to express their minds on the government programmes.
It can also be used to educate the electorate.
It gives the people the opportunity to exercise their franchise which is the right to vote and be voted for.
Before voting can take place, the following things should be prepared for:
There will be division of the country into smaller units known as constituencies.
There should be registration of political parties and candidates that will contest in the various election.
There should also be the education of the electorates on how and why they should vote.
Each political party should be given opportunity to campaign.
Next is to fix the day of election.
Finally, the electoral commission will count and announce the result of the election.This will be done by the returning officer for the election.