Non-communicable diseases
These are diseases which can not be spread from one person to another. Non communicable diseases can exist for a long/life time in human and can be sometimes transfered by genes(inherited) e.g. Diabetes, Obesity e.t.c.
Non communicable diseases can also be defined as diseases which cannot be transfered from one person to another through body contact.
Types of Non communicable Diseases
1. Headache
2. Stomach ache
3. Cancer
4. Asthma
5. Sickle cell anaemia
6. Obesity
7. Hypertension
8. Stroke
9. Boil
10. Epilepsy
SOME POSSIBLE causes OF non-communicable diseases
1. Tobacco use (smoking),
2.Alcohol abuse,
3. Poor diets (high consumption of sugar, salt, saturated fats)
4. Physical inactivenes
1. Avoid taking too much sugar and salt
2. Go for medical check-up at least every two month
3. One should exercise his body very well
4. Eat well and eat balanced diet
5. Rest as at when due
6. Avoid self medication
7. Personal hygiene is very important
Apart from the examples given, write three examples of eacTopic
1. Non communicable diseases
2. Causes of noncommunicable diseases
3. Prevention of noncommunicable diseases